Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wednesday March 2 - online exercise

In anticipation of the Digital Development in Hospitality Think Tank, you can spend today's class time on a presentation that explores new services, that can be delivered digitally.

Explore - what will delight today's customers who are mobile lifestyle travellers?

The exercise is:
  • create a service that will dazzle your hotel guests
  • you can partner with ANY type of provider - music, film, location based services, etc.
  • the service MUST be delivered digitally...Smartphone, internet, hotel TV, etc.
1. Imagine the service
2. Research if any company (hotel or not) has created such a service
Example - Louis Vuitton's moble app - Amble
3. Develop a PPT - be sure to include your name + MBA CMH
4. Post the PPT in Slideshare
5, Tag the Slideshare = DDiH, Think Tank 2011, CMH Oneglobe, hotel think tank
6. Embed the Slideshare in your blog
7. Use the same tags in your blog
8. Use Twitter to tweet out your blog post

OK, I look forward to your ideas and Slideshare presentations....I will be online from 11 AM Paris time on www.join.me....questions, comments, ideas...all are welcome.

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